(Dis)Respecting Children and
There is no question that respect matters in the classroom. But what it means, who has it, and whether or not it is even prosocial, are undetermined. This project focuses on how children, youth, and teachers, experience respect and disrespect and how these concepts, and other justice-related concepts, are understood, developed, and implemented in social interactions within the school context.
Developing Children's Environmental Resiliency Through Narratives
Cultural and personal narratives shape our ecocultural identities, including our relationship to the more than human world. How can we help children develop resilient frameworks that will serve them in an ever changing and tumultuous world? This project examines how narratives and student-teacher conversations can re-shape urban, suburban, and rural children’s experience of the “wild,” and foster an eco-cultural resiliency framework that will eventually guide and foster pro-environmental behaviors and identities.