Respecting children and teachers
As Smith is primarily an undergraduate institution, I include members of my lab team in co-authoring papers. Student authors are identified with a *.
Audley, S.R. & *Ginsburg, J. (2018, accepted). Caring as an authoritative act: Re-thinking respect in student-teacher relationships. In K. Daniels & K. Billingsley (Eds.) Creating Caring and Supportive Educational Environments for Meaningful Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
*Singer A., & Audley, S. R. (in press). Some teachers just simply care:” Respect in urban student-teacher relationships. #CritEdPol: Journal of Critical Educational Policy Studies.
Audley-Piotrowski, S. R. (2016). The auspices of social justice. In J. Landsman, R. Salcedo, & P. Gorski (Eds.), Talking back and looking forward: An educational revolution in poetry and prose (p. 39-44). Lanham, Maryland: Roman and Littlefield Publishing Group.
Audley-Piotrowski, S. R., *Singer, A., & *Patterson, M. (2015). The Role of the Teacher in Children’s Peer Relations: Making the Invisible Hand Intentional. Translational Issues in Psychology, 1(2), 192-200.
Jones, M. H., Audley-Piotrowski, S. R., & Kiefer, S. (2012). Relationships among adolescents’ perceptions of friends’ behaviors, academic self-concept, and math performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(1), 19-31.
Kuryluk, A., Cohen, R., & Audley-Piotrowski, S. (2011). The role of respect in the relation between aggression and popularity. Social Development, 20(4), 703-717.
Audley-Piotrowski, S., Hsueh, Y., & Cohen, R. (2008). Respect: A developmental perspective. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 12(3), 207-211.
Developing Environmental Resiliency Through Narratives
Audley, S.R. & Stein, N. (2018, in revision). An Environmental Resiliency Framework to Support Ecocultural Identities: Building Resiliency through Children’s Personal and Cultural Narratives. In T. Milstein & J. Castro-Sotomayor (Eds.), Handbook of ecocultural identity. Routledge.
Audley, S. R., & Stein, N. (2017). Creating an environmental resiliency framework: Changing children’s personal and cultural narratives to build environmental resiliency. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences, 7(2), 205-215.
Pedogogical Work
As a teacher-educator, my research also includes reflective pedagogy on the teaching-learning process and creating materials (case-studies, book chapters) for students and others in academia to use as references.
Audley, S.R. (2018). Partners as scaffolds: Teaching in the zone of proximal development. Teaching and learning together in higher education, 24,
Audley-Piotrowski, S. R. (2014). Moral development. In D. Winsor & S. Magun-Jackson (Eds.), Lifespan development: An educational psychology perspective. Pearson.
Audley-Piotrowski, S. R. (2014). Moderated mediation in structural equation modeling: the role of friendships and self-concept in math performance. In P. Brindle (Ed.), Method in action case studies. Sage Publications.
Audley-Piotrowski, S. (2013). Social promotion and grade retention, In J. Ainsworth (Ed.), Sociology of education: An a-to-z guide. (Vol. 2, pp, 712-714). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:
Audley-Piotrowski, S. (2013). Denmark. In J. Ainsworth (Ed.), Sociology of education: An a-to-z guide. (Vol. 1, pp. 182-184). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:
Audley-Piotrowski, S. R., *Kumar, N., Hsueh, Y., & Sumner, M. (2011). Technology: Changing the research base on young children. In S. Blake, D. Winsor, & L. Allen (Eds.), Technology and young children: Bridging the communication-generation gap. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Methodological Expertise and Collaborations
I have a wide base of statistical knowledge including quantitative expertise in CFA, SEM, ESEM, HLM, mediation, moderation, and qualitative analysis including thematic analysis and narrative analysis.
Mule, L., Audley, S.R., & Aloisio, K. (2018, in revision) Faculty-led study abroad and global citizenship identification: Insights from a global engagement program.
Audley, S. R., *Grenier, K., Martin, J. L., & Ramos, J. (2018) Why Me? A qualitative study of drinking gamers’ reasons for targeting other players to drink. Emerging Adulthood, 6(2), 79-90.
Zamboanga, B. L., Audley, S. R., Olthuis, J. V., *Tomaso, C. C., Blumenthal, H., & Borsari, B. (2017, April 16). Validation of a seven-factor structure for the motives for playing drinking games measure. Assessment. Advanced on-line publication. doi: 10.1177/1073191117701191
Zamboanga, B. L., Audley, S., Iwamoto, D. K., Martin, J. L., & *Tomaso, C. C. (2017). The risks of being "manly": Masculine norms and drinking game motives, behaviors, and related consequences among men. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 18(4), 280-292.
Zamboanga, B. L., Audley S. R., *Tomaso, C. C., Ramos, G., & Schwartz, S. J. (2016). “What’s in a game?” Acculturation and drinking games among Asian American young adults. Asian American Journal of Psychology, 7(3), 195-204.